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Each year Wheat Belt Public Power District sponsors area youth to attend the National Rural Electric Association (NREA) Youth Tour held in Washington, DC.   This summer, Trey Weeda, a bright young leader from Sidney had the incredible opportunity to participate in the tour.  Youth Tour is a prestigious program designed to educate young leaders about the electric cooperative movement and the importance of civic engagement.

During his time in the nation’s capital, Trey and fellow delegates had the privilege of exploring iconic landmarks and institutions that shape American history and policymaking. Among the highlights were visits to the Capitol Building, where they gained firsthand insights into the legislative process, and the White House, where they learned about the executive branch’s role in governance.

The itinerary also included educational visits to memorials such as the Lincoln Memorial, the Jefferson Memorial and the Washington Monument, each offering profound lessons in national heritage and leadership.

The NREA Youth Tour is more than just sightseeing; it’s an immersive experience aimed at empowering young people like Trey with knowledge about the cooperative principles that underpin electric utilities serving rural America. Participants engage in discussions about energy policy, cooperative governance, and the vital role of electric cooperatives in their communities. They also had the opportunity to meet with elected officials, forging connections that can inspire future leadership and advocacy.
For Trey Weeda, the Youth Tour was a transformative experience, providing both a deeper understanding of our nation’s capital and a broader perspective on the responsibilities of citizenship. As he returns home, Trey brings with him not only memories of a memorable trip but also a renewed sense of purpose in serving his community and supporting the cooperative values that sustain rural America.  “The Tour was an incredible experience and such an eye opener to a lot of things about America,” said Trey.

The NREA Youth Tour continues to shape young leaders like Trey Weeda, equipping them with the knowledge and inspiration to make a difference in their communities and beyond.