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By: Lacey Gulbranson, General Manger/CEO

The Wheat Belt Board of Directors meets at the main office (11306 Rd 32 Sidney, NE 69162) on the fourth Friday of each month beginning at 8:30 a.m. The meetings are open to the public and subject to the Nebraska Open Meetings Act. Per Wheat Belt’s Board Policies, the duties of the board are as follows:

  • To direct the conduct of the District business as trustees of the District, while ensuring compliance with all the appropriate legal and other applicable requirements.
  • The Board is responsible for the selection, employment and annual evaluation of the General Manager, to establish the compensation of employees, and to delegate to the General Manager appropriate authority to manage the day-to-day affairs of the District.
  • To review studies, conducted by staff and/or outside consultants, regarding systems, work plans, power requirements, trends, etc. and develop long range plans or goals.
  • Establish procedures that can be used in appraising the effectiveness of the operations to achieve the District’s goals, predict trends, determine remedial actions, and measure performance against plans and policies.
  • Review the annual financial audit, with the auditor present, either in person or via teleconference and direct any necessary remedial action.
  • Approve general investment policies, review and approve major contracts (established as those exceeding $100,000), loan agreements, wholesale contracts, and legal/consulting services.
  • Develop and approve the Board’s annual budget and review and approve operating budgets and work plans developed by the staff and manager.
  • Conduct at the February Board meeting of even numbered years, an appraisal of the Board of Directors, and guide the development of board members so they can more effectively carry out their major functions.  The Board appraisal shall be based on the Board approved appraisal form as reviewed bi-annually by the Board.  The Board Secretary shall be responsible to administer the Board Evaluation process.

How can you get involved? You can attend a board meeting to learn about how the Board influences the organization. During the public comment period you can address the Board by communicating support or raising an issue. You can also contact your board member individually to learn more about a specific topic or to discuss an issue.